The courses will be in english. The topics of the courses will be
1 Algebraic Curves and their moduli spaces.
First week: Edoardo Sernesi (Università Roma Tre, Italy),
First week: Gabi Farkas (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
2 Higher dimensional varieties and their moduli spaces.
First week: Oliver Debarre, École Normale Supérieure, France,
Second week: Paolo Cascini, Imperial College, London, England.
3 Geometric Invariant Theory and Bridgeland stability.
First week: Radu Laza (Stony Brook University USA),
Second week: Emanuele Macri, (Northeastern University, USA)
4 Minimal Model Program/Birational geometry and Topology of Mg.
Second week: Samuel Grushevsky, (Stony Brook University USA)
5 Moduli and degenerations of algebraic varieties via tropical geometry.
Second week: Melody Chan (Brown University)